Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Industrial Internet and the Future of Work
The Industrial Internet and the Future of Work The Industrial Internet and the Future of Work The Industrial Internet and the Future of WorkA powerful, deep, and far-reaching transformation is under way in industry. It is fundamentally changing the way we design and manufacture products, and what these products can do. It is making the complex supply and distribution networks that tie the weltumspannend economy together faster, more flexible, and more resilient.This transformation is what we call the Future of Work. Of the major forces converging to shape this transformation, the one of most interest to mechanical engineers is the Industrial Internet. The lines between the physical and digital worlds are becoming increasingly blurred. The integration of cloud-based analytics (Big Data) with industrial machinery (Big Iron) is creating huge opportunities for productivity gains. In a 2012 white paper for GE, one of us (Annunziata, together with Peter C. Evans) wrote that the rapid decli ne in the costs of both electronic sensors and storing and processing data now allows us to harvest massive amounts of information from industrial machinery. Using advanced analytics, we can then draw insights that can increase efficiency. Machines like gas turbines, jet engines, locomotives, and medical devices are becoming predictive, reactive, and social, making them better able to communicate seamlessly with each other and with us. The information they generate becomes intelligent, reaching us automatically and instantaneously when we need it and allowing us to fix things before they break. This eliminates downtime, improves the productivity of individual machines- as jet engines consume less fuel and wind turbines produce cheaper power- and raises the efficiency of entire systems, reducing delays in hospitals and in air traffic. The Future of Work will substantially accelerate productivity and economic growth. In that 2012 white paper, for instance, the major economic benefits that can accrue from the Industrial Internet alone were estimated for specific sectors. A 1 percent gain in efficiency through deployment of the Industrial Internet would yield $90 billion savings in the oil and gas sector, $66 billion in the power sector, and $30 billion in aviation. Some economists, notlageably Robert Gordon of Northwestern University, argue that modern innovations have nowhere near the transformative power and potential economic impact of the Industrial Revolution. But we believe the Future of Work will be as transformational as the Industrial Revolution, and possibly more so. This will bring major improvements to the quality of ur lives. The seeds of this transformation were sown some time ago and have taken time to germinate. But we are now entering the stage where the changes we describe are set to accelerate decisively. To use an expression coined by Ray Kurzweil of Google, we are entering the second half of the chessboard- the phase where changes become all of a sudden a lot more visible, where science fiction more quickly turns into reality. Even so, this transformation will not happen by itself. We will have to invest in the new technologies and adapt organizations and managerial practices. We will need a robust cyber security approach to protect sensitive information and intellectual property, and to safeguard critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks. The education system will have to evolve to ensure that students are equipped with the right skills for this fast-changing economy. Continuous education and retraining will be needed to cushion the impact of transitional disruptions in the labor market. It will require time and investment, but this wave of technological innovation will fundamentally transform the way we live.Machines That Hear and Feel The Industrial Internet is creating huge opportunities for productivity gains. Industrial machines are being equipped with a growing number of electronic sensors, which allow them to s ee, hear, and feel a lot more than ever before- all while generating enormous amounts of data. Sophisticated analytics then sift through this data, providing insights that allow us to operate machines- and thus fleets of airplanes and locomotives, and entire systems like power grids or hospitals- in entirely new, more efficient ways. We are now entering a world where the machines we work with are not just intelligent, but brilliant.Electronic sensors have been around for some time, so why are these sensors only now creating such gains in productivity? First, their cost is rapidly declining, making it cheaper and easier to deploy them. And thanks to advances of cloud computing, the cost of storing and processing data from these sensors is also dropping quickly, enabling the use of sensors to scale up at an accelerating pace.And while many industrial assets have been endowed with sensors and software for some time, software has traditionally been physically embedded in hardware in a w ay that the hardware needs to change every time the software is upgraded. We are beginning to deploy technologies like embedded virtualization, multi-core processor technology, and advanced cloud-based communications throughout the industrial world. This new software-defined machine infrastructure will allow machine functionality to be virtualized in software, decoupling machine software from hardware and allowing us to automatically and remotely monitor, manage, and upgrade industrial assets.This allows us to shift to preventive, condition-based maintenance. Well be able to fix machines before they break rather than service them on a fixed schedule, and it will take us towards zero unplanned downtime no more power outages, no more flight delays, and no more factory shutdowns.How will this impact industry? Heres one example Ten percent of flight delays and cancellations are currently caused by unscheduled maintenance events, costing the global airline industry an estimated $8 billio n- not to mention the impact on all of us in terms of inconvenience, stress, and missed meetings as we sit helplessly in an airport terminal. To address this problem, GE has developed a self-learning predictive maintenance system that can be installed on any aircraft to predict problems a human operator might miss. While in flight, the aircraft will talk to technicians on the ground by the time it lands, they will already know if anything needs to be serviced. For U.S. airlines alone, this system could prevent over 60,000 delays and cancellations a year, helping over 7 million passengers get to their destinations on time.The health care industry also has huge gains at stake with the Industrial Internet just a one percent reduction in existing inefficiencies could yield more than $60 billion in savings globally. Nurses today spend an average of 21 minutes per shift searching for equipment, which means less time spent caring for patients. Industrial Internet technologies can enable ho spitals to electronically monitor and connect patients, staff, and medical equipment, reducing bed turnaround times by nearly one hour each. When you need surgery, one hour matters it means more patients can be treated and more lives can be saved.Similar advances are taking distributions-mix in energy, including renewables like wind. Remote monitoring and diagnostics, which allow wind turbines to communicate with each other and adjust the pitch of their blades in a coordinated way as the wind changes, have helped reduce the electricity generation cost in wind farms to less than 5 cents per kWh. Ten years ago, the equivalent cost was over 30 cents- six times as much.Faster and Smarter Outcomes Industrial Internet tools and applications also help people collaborate in a faster and smarter way- making jobs not just more efficient but more rewarding. For instance, secure and reliable cloud-based platforms today allow teams of physicians and caregivers to quickly confer on patient cases, simultaneously access images and reports, and collaborate on diagnosis and treatment plans. By better leveraging each others reports and expertise, health care professionals can deliver better health outcomes. Systems like this are made possible by integrated digital software platforms that sttze a combination of information collection and storage, new analytic capabilities, and new modes of collaboration. These platforms can provide a standard way to run industrial scale analytics, and connect machines, data, and people. They can be deployed on machines, on-premises or in the cloud, and support technologies for distributed computing and big data analytics, asset data management, machine-to-machine communication and mobility- all in a secure environment that protects industrial data and safeguards access to machines, networks and systems. It isnt only the Industrial Internet that is transforming the nature of work. Advanced manufacturing is digitally linking together design, produc t engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, distribution, and remanufacturing (or servicing) into one cohesive, intelligent system- what we call the Brilliant Factory. New production techniques like additive manufacturing, or 3-D printing, allow us to create completely new parts and products with new properties. Whats more, technological progress and economic growth are contributing to a seismic shift in the role that human beings play in the production process. Technological progress, notably in high-performance computing, robotics, and artificial intelligence, is extending the range of tasks that machines can perform better than humans can. This may have painful short-term costs as some jobs are displaced and some skills made obsolete. But it dramatically augments the power and economic value of the areas where humans excel creativity, entrepreneurship, and interpersonal abilities. And the linking together of the collective intelligence of human beings across the globe, integrated by digital communication networks, will create a human version of high-performance computing- the global brain. Open-source platforms and crowd-sourcing are two of the most effective ways to unleash the creativity and entrepreneurship potential of the global brain. Industry is increasingly relying on both in a trend that will deliver greater flexibility and greater rewards to both employers and employees- and redefine relationships between the two.Shaping the Future The Future of Work is being shaped by a profound transformation, driven by the meshing of the digital and the physical worlds, the emergence of new design and production techniques, and a seismic shift in the role that human beings play in the production process. Most of these changes have been under way for some time, but they are now gaining speed and scale in a way that will rapidly change the face of industry as we know it. The Industrial Internet is leveraging the power of Big Data to create a new generation of bri lliant machines that are predictive, reactive and able to communicate seamlessly with each other and with us. Advanced manufacturing techniques like 3-D printing are not only yielding new products, but allowing a faster feedback loop between design, prototyping, production, and customer experience. They are triggering a data-driven reorganization of the supply and distribution networks that tie the individual factory into its ecosystem of customers, distributors, and suppliers. All this will result in the ability for the entire production process to adjust in real time, automatically, to unexpected circumstances, guaranteeing zero unplanned downtime at the production system level. These changes in turn will allow a faster move towards distributed manufacturing, including through greater reliance on micro-factories. Technological progress will push a growing share of the workforce toward creativity and entrepreneurship, where humans have a clear comparative advantage over machines. T he global brain- the collective intelligence of human beings across the globe integrated by digital communication networks- will grow bigger and more powerful as tens of millions more people gain access to education and to the Internet, becoming able to both tap the global stock of knowledge and contribute to it. This transformation will take time to unleash its full potential. It will require us to invest in new technologies and adapt organizations and managerial practices. We will need a robust cyber security approach to protect sensitive information and intellectual property and safeguard critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks. The education system will have to evolve to ensure that students are equipped with the right skills for this fast-changing economy. Continuous education and retraining can cushion the impact of inevitable transitional disruptions in the labor market. The Future of Work will require time and investment, but it will reboot productivity growth and economi c activity. And it will reshuffle the competitive landscape for companies and countries alike, and it will fundamentally change- for the better- the way we work and the way we live. MEAs the lines between the digital and the physical continue to blur, we are entering a world where the machines we work with are not just intelligent, but brilliant
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
White House, Simply Hired Focus on Connecting Workers with Jobs
White House, Simply Hired Focus on Connecting Workers with JobsWhite House, Simply Hired Focus on Connecting Workers with JobsHow can we use data to increase hope? To inspire confidence? To drive success? These were some of the questions thatSimply Hiredhead of data science Jike Chong discussed with Vice President Joe Biden at the 21st Century Jobs Jam in Washington last week.The Jobs Jam, which welches organized by the White Houses Office of Science and Technology Policy, focused on methods and technology to help middle class Americans access and navigate the job market.Three Simply Hired representativeswere invited to join a group of more than 60 technology and government leaders to discuss efficient ways to connect unemployed citizens with available jobs.Simply Hired frequently holds internal data jams where we invite active job seekers to speak with us about their experiences and challenges, Chong said. We also have a wealth of job seeker behavioral data that drives our search al gorithms. Because we have so much reliable data gathered in a very methodical way, we were able to represent the middle-class American to the organizations at the Jobs Jam. This is a key reason that Simply Hired was invited to participate.Staff software engineer Delaney Parker added, The target audience of the Jam- primarily middle class workers- has been a focus of Simply Hired, so we had a lot of great data to share. This event was a wonderful opportunity to share ideas with a diverse group and to collaborate with others in the technology and employment industries.The government indicated that making its data available to tech companies that are helping job seekers remains a significant challenge. Jobs Jam attendees spent the day discussing ways to fill available jobs with skilled workers across the country by integrating data and technology. The six-hour event included multiple brainstorming sessions followed by idea refinement and voting. Several of the concepts will be explored and prototyped by volunteer teams from participating organizations over the next four months.As a company with a history of using available data to better match qualified candidates to open jobs, Simply Hired is eager to partner with the government as we continue to drive success for employers and job seekers, Chong said.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
5 Reasons Why You are Not Getting Hired
5 Reasons Why You are Not Getting Hired5 Reasons Why You are Not Getting HiredThere are many reasons why you are leid getting hired. I break them up into two categories for this blog post.Category 1 You were not hired for reasons you cannot controlSome reasons for not getting hired you have no control over. Dealing with reasons out of your control is easy.You know why you were not hired. Something crazy caused you to miss an interview. There is nothing you can do. You continue job searching.Category 2 You were not hired for reasons within your controlThese reasons are tougher to accept because it was you who caused yourself not to be hired.It is not fun to admit, especially when category 1 is so easy to fall back on.You can blame everyone all day for not getting hired, but it still does not change the reasons why you are not getting hired. We list the reasons below.1. You did not research the company before the interviewApplying online for jobs is nothing mora than filling out forms. If you get yourself into an interview situation but never bothered to look up what the company does, the job interview will end badly at some point.They will bring up something about the company that either bothers you or leaves you speechless during an interview question.You just wanted to get hired and get paid You should have checked out the company beforehand.2. You are not being realistic about the jobs you apply forIt is great to think big and view yourself as getting hired as the next Vice President of a well-known global companyHowever, there is one thing you forgotYour competition and the experience or relevant skills the other job seekers possessYou think, It is a great job and I can learn how to do it.Your competition is talking about all the reasons their resume proves they should be hired.Sometimes, you have to be realistic and accept there is more you must accomplish in your career before applying to certain jobs.3. Your attitude in job interviews turns hiring managers offYou may be the most highly skilled, incredible person on planet Earth.But if you get into a job interview and start coming across as bitter, frustrated, negative, or argumentative, you will scare hiring managers into not hiring you.They need to know you will work well within the company. Present yourself as someone who gets along well with others.4. You are applying to all the wrong jobsThis happens quite often when you apply for jobs based on the job title alone.For example, the job title Program Manager is used across many industries, yet the job descriptions are not all the saatkorn between tech, healthcare, media, finance, etc.Make sure you read the job description before applying to jobs, especially if you seem to never hear back from companies.Their silence is feedback itself into why you are not getting hired.5. You are talking too much in job interviewsIn the spirit of this reason for not getting hired, I will keep it short and sweet.Stick to explaining why you should be hired based on the job description.Avoid rambling on about irrelevant topics.Talking too much in job interviews sends a message that you lack focus.That is all.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
In 2018, Resolve to Improve Your Career
In 2018, Resolve to Improve Your Career In 2018, Resolve to Improve Your Career Look back on 2017. How many times did you think to yourself, If only I work a little harder, my boss will recognize my value. Next year, I will get a decent raise and a promotion. Im really not happy, but I have no other choice?If you had these thoughts or similar ones, then 2018 is your year. Lets face the facts. Your boss may recognize your value, or they may continue to take advantage of your hard work. You may get a decent raise, or you may get a scanty 2 percent (or less). What happens this year for your career depends on you.Continuing to go to work each day to earn a stable income is a great first choice. Beginning to look for a new job before youre ready to run from your current job is another great choice.If possible, skipiste onto your existing job while you go looking for a replacement. This will take the pressure off of your search and give you time to look for the right fit. You dont want t o trade one bad job for anotherOne of the great things about landing a new job is that your new boss will pick you. What I mean is, your new boss is hiring you because they see your value. When youve been with the saatkorn company for a long period of time, your boss may not realize your true worth. Maybe thats because the boss who hired you has since been replaced by a new boss, or maybe your boss has simply begun to take you for granted. Whatever the case, theres a good chance your supervisor doesnt give you the recognition or rewards you deserve.And lets be honest Companies are more motivated to offer large sums of money to new hires than they are to existing employees. Bosses rarely want to pay you more to do the same work youve already been doing for less.I get it. The entire thing is a bummer. Interviewing is stressful and full of rejection. Moving to a new company is a risk. It could be better or worse than where you are now. But if where you are now isnt working for you, the n the risk is worth it.Once you decide whats best for you, create a plan of attack for 2018. Write down your goals to make them real. Work on these goals each and every day.When it comes to your career, change is a slow process, but with time and effort, you can make it happen. If you want to have a happier life, working for someone who appreciates you and making even more money, then take 2018 as your year.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Key Pieces of Special Skills Acting Resume
Key Pieces of Special Skills Acting Resume Choosing Special Skills Acting Resume Is Simple An increasing number of companies are trying to find people skilled in digital and societal media marketing to aid their companies reach a bigger audience more effectively. As an example, say youre applying for the job of dump truck driver. If youre interested in an acting career, among the most valuable tools you will have at yur disposal is the capability to vocalize and speak properly. The competitive climate of the work market has gotten to a fever pitch in the last few years. An individual should make certain that your resume presents the employer that youre a consummate problem solver. The goal of your resume must be to BLEND IN. Theres a great deal of discrepancy in opinion about which special skills belong on your resume. Dependent on the help of our expert sources, here are a couple of broad sorts of skills your resume could include, together with unique methods to express the m. Inside my experience, acting is the very best approach to obtain the skills required to sell yourself to a brand-new individual. Criticism on the job station needs to be overcomed and handling all moods of people ought to be succeeded. If you own a lot of projects, its far better to list the best ones. What You Need to Know About Special Skills Acting Resume Being a dependable leader is essential for any organization which directs them in the appropriate way. You dont wish to damage your reputation, particularly if you are only starting out. As a consequence, no 2 resumes will look the exact same. When discussing about the many adaptive abilities, being punctual and meeting deadlines is a considerable accomplishment. The Fight Against Special Skills Acting Resume Then continue from there, so youre prepared for an audition that needs a distinctive skill. Some actors who wish to appear on the stage should have a broad range of skills to make certain they stick out from th e others. Special skills will allow you to climb the ladder of stardom and it increases the probability of an abbreviation for a specific function. 1 special skill that ought to be included on your resume is if it is possible to speak in any accents. If a screen director requires a principal actor in a vehicle, the actor is set in an auto thats put on a trailer or in front of a green screen. Therefore, if your latest experience was in film, then all your film experience is going to be written on top, even if some of that experience may be older than your television or theater experience. First its important that the very first job of an actor is to learn how to act and one day become a master in their craft. Be certain to stress the quantity of actor training youve got. You should work to have some, no matter how you might see the skills. Hard skills arent skills that are tough to learn. Soft skills are a little more vague and open to interpretation. List any performance-w orthy skills that you are especially great at. If youve been hired for a particular role that needs a new skill, dont be afraid to ask your employer to titel lessons or coaching. You should list all your acting classes, relevant experiences and abilities. Just like any resume, you would like to include skills that are related to and desirable for the roles youre auditioning for. The more skills that you have, the more marketable youre. For example, under special skills you are able to list any pastime or experience which you have and that apply. You may also showcase your statistics, special abilities and more. As soon as its tempting to deem yourself an expert, after you get the interview or job, you can want to show your claim. Based on the career sector and profession you opt to work in, there might be quite specific abilities, abilities and knowledge required to do the job. In case you have any questions, dont hesitate to email us Keep in mind, the majority of the distinc tive skills that you set on your resume needs to be job-related skills taken from the work description and your best transferable skills. There are a few skills that will be utterly necessary for any successful candidate. A Secret Weapon for Special Skills Acting Resume The particular skills section of your resume should always be the final bit of information about the page, but it doesnt indicate it isnt important. Then make a list of your matching skills that it is possible to incorporate in your resume. In reality, there are particular jobs in which its important to set a skill section at or close to the top of the resume. You ought to be aware that a great deal of resumes are screened by software that looks for keywords linked to the job that youre applying for. Most standard resume formats incorporate a skill section at or close to the bottom of the resume. You may also read some acting resume examples on the world wide web to observe the form of content that you should include in such a document. In any event, making the template shouldnt be such a challenging endeavor. As an example, employing a reverse-chronological format for your acting or theatrical resume template permits you to highlight your previous performances.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Untold Story About Engineer Resume Examples That You Really Need to Read
The Untold Story About Engineer Resume Examples That You Really Need to Read Systems engineers will also document programs and configurations so as to make sure that everything is as it ought to be. Systems engineering doesnt have subfields. Typically, it is offered at the graduate level in combination with interdisciplinary study. Electrical engineering is just one of the most highly regarded STEM fields. Most Noticeable Engineer Resume Examples Ideal System Engineer candidates need to have a solid technical background with oben liegend troubleshooting abilities. If you wish to work as a Systems Engineer, concentrate on the subsequent. To find out more on what it requires to be a Design Engineer, have a look at our complete Design Engineer Job Description. System Engineer will enable you to connect several devices and use it in order to set up, control, and monitor them. You are able to find out more about what things to have in your CV from our mechanical engineer CV e xample. Your engineering Resume Templates is a powerful advertising tool, so make the the majority of it. It is possible to look at generic resumes, but engineering resume samples will be the absolute most useful due to their specificity to your area. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward format. The Key to Successful Engineer Resume Examples The very brde thing you wish to do is make a prospective employer think youre boring or not able to communicate effectively with nontechnical personnel. As a way to impress the employers and find the position you want, an appropriate cover letter and resume is needed. Engineer Resume Examples - the Conspiracy For example, the work description might say that you need to have the capacity to diagnose malfunctioning systems and fix them. For instance, some of the highest-paid system computer software engineers worked for the securities and commodity exchange business, which had a mean salary of $128,980 each year. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. See, there are times when you could possibly be recruited directly by technical leads. Although engineering job profile encompasses a wide selection of specialties, efficient resume strategies are required for certain disciplines. So, only select a couple of your best soft abilities, which you could back up with an appropriate experience. There are various ways of achieving an effective resume. As you obviously need to concentrate on your technical abilities, you shouldnt neglect your soft abilities or supplementary abilities, either. At length, carefully study the work description and the organization youre applying for. You will have to tailor each one to every work description. Speaking about the job prospects, an engineer is likely to experience a great job outlook in an in dustry of her or his own selection. Engineer Resume Examples and Engineer Resume Examples - The Perfect Combination Systems engineers have to be ready to cooperate with others as part of their everyday work. Systems engineering students should have an analytical mind and an ability to comprehend the huge picture so as to be prosperous. Nothing, if you prefer your engineering resume to look like all of the rest. Engineering has something for everybody. Systems Engineers develop system designs, and after that utilize modeling methods to evaluate how they may perform in the actual world. They are associated with innovation and design. Electrical engineers should know a great deal of technology and software to achieve different tasks.
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